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 fax 360.247.6249
mail po box 169, amboy, wa 98601

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The Entertainer Course

A training course for performers of all types including artists, musicians, stage performers, public speakers and trainers.

Day 1
'Inner Performance' Participants are coached on the live performance of their choice (e.g. song, monologue, short presentation) Areas include physical movement, communication with their audience, using emotional energy and managing stress level.

Day 2
'Nuts and Bolts' includes managing dead-space and segues; creating more efficient rehearsal time; wardrobe and make-up; decompression, vocal care and well-being for the performer. Individual coaching also included in Day 2. Day 1 must be completed  before participating in Day 2.

This course is also available as a customized seminar.

"Toni Land has found a way to teach  what so often is considered only the domain of  the few who were born with talent"

Hal Milton, Author of "Going Public: A Practical Guide
to Developing Personal Charisma

Stagework courses are led by Toni Land, performance coach and creator of "The Power of Performance" workshops.  She is a professional performer, award winning songwriter and recording artist.  

Available for individuals and groups

Stagework Courses

PO Box 169
Amboy, WA 98681
(360) 247-4475 

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